~~~> Colleen and Nicole are both licensed, credentialed massage therapists, (LMTs), within NYS.
Although we offer some "spa-like" sessions, most individuals schedule appointments at our
facility due to specific reasons/injuries or have been referred by their medical practitioners to our facility. However, in most circumstances, you do not need a referral from your attending
physician to schedule an appointment.
~~~> Grace and Kristen are not massage therapists, nor do they practice massage modalities. Both are energy workers, as well as life coaches, plant and essential oil extract experts, etc and bring their own specific and unique talents to our facility.
Please see our "Meet Our Practitioners" drop-box to read each practitioner's bio and chose whom would better align with your current needs.
Note: Our sessions are based upon *time* and not modality. Please note that certain therapists are credentialed in certain techniques, so please be sure to read the modality descriptions below the service menu pricing to request the proper therapist when calling to schedule.
See the modality descriptions section at the bottom of this page to chose the therapy you desire. Prices do not include gratuity for your therapist.
30-mins: $55.-
60-mins: $90.-
90-mins: $120.-
2-hr: $170.-
30-mins: $65.-
60-mins: $105.-
90-mins: $145.-
2-hr: We do not offer 2-hr deep tissue massage
60-mins: $105.-
90-mins: $135.-
LaStone Massage©: $175.- Approximately 90-min session, uses both heated and cooled stones.
15-mins: $10.-
30-mins: $20.-
*** Must be requested when scheduling to allocate enough room time usage.
CUPPING: (Nicole Only)
Flat $15.- upcharge.
*** Must be requested when scheduling.
In-person, via Phone or FaceTime:
30-minute: $60.-
60-min: $110.-
I will also read a child w/ a parent present, 13-yrs old and up: $150./hr
*** No audio-taping, note-taking is highly encouraged!
Colleen has been vetted/tested/certified for authenticity and accuracy. However, all readings are for entertainment purposes only as we were all born with free-will and are the captains of our ships!
SWEDISH MASSAGE: (Colleen & Nicole)
Swedish Massage is the general, basic, relaxing type of massage most are familiar with. A Swedish Massage can incorporate deeper work in certain areas, or some individuals simply request an area of focus for the entire session, ex: neck, shoulder and back work. A Swedish Massage session can be used for regular, pregnancy, sports massage, lymphatic drainage or even acupressure work.
A Deep Tissue or Myofascial Release Massage is very similar to a Swedish Massage only deeper
pressure is used throughout the session and very deep, specific work, can be incorporated into
the session. Please note there are some contraindications for deep tissue massage, your therapist will review your health history form with you at your appointment.
Both Colleen and Nicole are certified in manual lymphatic drainage massage technique and adhere to NYS practitioner guidelines.
Colleen has been certified in lymphatic drainage massage since 1999 and has incorporated her previous background in surgery to honing a technique that it safe and practical for our clients. She has taught this technique to Nicole, who began offering lymphatic drainage massage to clients nearly 7 years ago.
There are two types of lymphatic drainage massage techniques and necessity:
~~~> 1. For clients who have a compromising health condition such as cardiac (heart) failure,
renal (kidney failure), or those dealing with a compromising illness such as cancer, (we
are currently the go-to medical massage practice for Roswell Park Cancer Institute's Lymphatic
Clinic as they do not have massage therapists on-staff; they employ OTs who tell their patients to contact us as they have seen the results our sessions produce!). We can see, treat and help these individuals. And,
~~~> 2. Individuals who have elected to have a surgical cosmetic procedures such as tummy
tucks, liposuction, BBLs, face-lifts, etc. Again, we can see, treat and assist these
individuals on their path to a quicker and more comfortable recovery with fewer
adhesions and scar tissue formations.
Please see the Q & A's at the bottom regarding cosmetic surgery client's information.
Truly, our sessions are superior and more productive than other practitioners in the area who have jumped onto the "lymphatic drainage bandwagon" to pad their bank accounts.
For those who are recovering from elective cosmetic procedures, you paid a lot of money for your procedure, please don't cheap-out by going to a practitioner who is not certified and doesn't know/understand how the body works and what is required to help you heal optimally.
Ultimately, you should be assured that any practitioner you are seeing are practicing
legally, are certified in manual lymphatic drainage massage techniques, are practicing
within the scope of NYS laws and their licensing parameters, know proper
sanitation requirements and carry liability insurance.
***We book up quickly because we are well-trained and certified.***
Ideally, if you are having a surgical procedure, you should contact our office 3-4 weeks
BEFORE your procedure so we can schedule your sessions. If you wait until after your
procedure is completed, we may not have any openings for several weeks,
(and we always have a wait / cancellation list).
CranioSacral Therapy: Cranio (head) sacral (lower spine) therapy is a technique that is used to
alleviate pressure in the skull and allow for better cerebrospinal fluid movement from the head
and down throughout the spine. Colleen was certified via Upledger Institute and this is a very
finite, precise technique that is extremely grounding, gentle and uses very little pressure. It is a
superior technique for opening/decompressing the cranial plates, reducing head pressure and
headache/migraine symptomology.
Visceral Manipulation: Viscera is the term for all organs contained within the abdomen,
(stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines, {for women, uterus and ovaries}, bladder). As we
age, or if we've experienced certain traumas, infections, etc our body will begin to form
adhesions within our abdomen which prevents these vital organs from working their best.
Visceral Manipulation is a technique that uses abdominal pressure to gently coax the release of
these adhesions, allowing organs to function optimally.
HOT STONE & LaSTONE© THERAPIES: (Both Therapists for Hot Stone, Colleen Only for LaStone© Therapy):
Hot Stone Massage is exactly what it implies, heated basalt stones are used to gently massage
and manipulate the musculature. Instead of massage cream, we use Grapeseed oil which is
readily absorbed into the body, leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed, not greasy, when you
LaStone© Therapy is very similar to hot stone massage, only it incorporates the use of both
heated and cooled stones allowing for a 'fire and ice' type of experience.
REIKI & ENERGY BODYWORK: (Colleen, Grace, & Kristen only):
Reiki and energy bodywork sessions are beautifully non-invasive, non-physical therapeutic experiences that are extremely beneficial for the recipient. It's the perfect modality for those who may have an acute or chronic physical condition, (such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, auto-immune disease), as well as those who are experiencing conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, high-stress.
Because energy bodywork can be done with the recipient simply lying down, (or seated), and quietly relaxing, there's no need for disrobing like massage. It's perfect for children, teens, adults as well as geriatrics.
And, because energy bodywork works with the client's natural energy fields, it can be incredible
intense and powerful without need for a physical touch. Each practitioner is vastly different, and all are extensively trained and bring their own gifts to the session. I highly encourage those well-versed in traditional massage to try an energy 'bodywork' session.
Reiki and energy sessions can also be provided remotely with the practitioner and client in two different locations. We have used this method to assist clients who were unable to be seen in-person due to illness or being in a facility. Please call our office to learn more.
[Reiki: an Asian/Eastern facilitated healing modality based upon the principle that the
therapist / energy worker can channel universal energy through themselves and into the client by energetic means, with or without touch, to activate a natural commencement of healing into themselves.]
Note: Our practitioners can also provide animal/pet energy facilitated healing sessions. Please
call for session/pricing information.
No-Fault Accident Massage Therapy:
We do accept some No-Fault massage clients on a very limited basis. Carriers we do not work with are: Allstate, Amica, GEICO, Liberty Mutual and Progressive. For all others please call our office to discuss your case with us. Thank you.
Q: Do you re-open my incisions/puncture wounds to manually drain the excess fluid?
We have heard and have witnessed horror stories from clients who have gone to non-certified
and untrained, irresponsibly-practicing "lymphatic drainage practitioners" in the WNY area.
NO ONE should be reopening a puncture wound or incision to extract the fluid.
Lymph is a fluid your body produces when trying to heal, so to re-open a scabbed puncture
or incision merely slows or reverses the healing process and your body has to work harder to recover. (... Not to mention it's medical waste, and therefor illegal to dispose of in normal garbage).
Q: Should I re-open my incisions/puncture wounds to manually drain the excess fluid?
No. Re-opening an incision or puncture wound to manually drain it also significantly increases
the chance of bacterial introduction and the potential, sometimes, of life-endangering infections, or, as we have seen, abnormal healing and scar production that will require further
cosmetic repairs down the road, with you covering the cost.
We have sent clients from our office directly to ECMC's E.R. due to infections caused either by themselves re-opening wounds or by other local practitioners who "opened and drained" a sealed wound against NYS law.
Additionally, as re-opening a healing wound is illegal and not within our scope-of-practice, should a client's incision tear, (we've seen this happen by "practitioners" who use wood-bar techniques in an attempt to disrupt scar tissue, {also illegal for a massage therapist's scope-of-practice in NYS}), or cause injury that in-turn develops an infection in the client's tissues, our liability malpractice insurance will not cover us.
Q: Can my Mom, friend, sister, etc perform the massage on me?
Any type of gentle stimulation will increase blood flow to the area, thus assisting with the removal of congested fluid build-up. So while gentle massage, even done by the client in the shower, etc is beneficial, the results are not the same as someone who has been trained and certified in manual lymphatic drainage massage techniques, understand the body's physiology and how the lymphatic system works, knows the myology of the area, (muscle location and action), and knows what type of pressure is acceptable, knows the proper direction to apply to the massage strokes, and is practicing proper hygiene to prevent infection.
Q: How many sessions will I need and do you sell package deals?
Short answer, we don't know how many sessions you'll need until we literally get our hands on you. We honestly can't tell anyone over the phone as to how many sessions they'll need as everyone recovers in a much different manner. So, for this reason, we do not sell packages. Our prices continue to be far less than other practitioners within the WNY area because we know and understand that we are currently in a recession. We wish to keep our prices affordable so our clients do not have to wait until they are desperate to come see us!
Q: Why should I find a Massage Therapist who is certified and trained in manual lymphatic drainage massage techniques?
Because it is just that, a technique/technical manual application procedure.
We have heard many stories from our clients where they had a surgery or procedure, (whether it was elective or medically-necessary), were in-need of manual lymphatic drainage massage to the area of distress and instead received a shoulder massage as the practitioner claims they know "lymphatic drainage massage" but in-fact, they may be clueless as to what they are doing.
Having had a background in the surgical field, Colleen knows exactly what needs to be done, where the body's lymph node beds are located, how they function, and how you need to manipulate the tissue to first clear these lymph node beds, then move the excess fluid toward the now non-congested lymph beds for the body to process out, (via liver, kidneys, heart). Colleen has taught these techniques to Nicole.
Truly, our sessions are superior and more productive than other practitioners in the area who have jumped onto the "lymphatic drainage bandwagon" to pad their bank accounts.
For those who are recovering from elective cosmetic procedures, you paid a lot of money for your procedure, please don't cheap-out by going to a practitioner who is not certified and doesn't know/understand how the body works and what is required to help you heal optimally.
Ultimately, you should be assured that any practitioner you are seeing are practicing
legally, are certified in manual lymphatic drainage massage techniques, are practicing
within the scope of NYS laws and their licensing parameters, know proper
sanitation requirements and carry liability insurance.
***We book up quickly because we are well-trained and certified.***
Ideally, if you are having a surgical procedure, you should contact our office 3-4 weeks
BEFORE your procedure so we can schedule your sessions. If you wait until after your
procedure is completed, we may not have any openings for several weeks,
(and we always have a wait / cancellation list).
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